Probiotic Vegan Dark Hot Chocolate



Fruit sugar
Non-hydrogenated Coconut Oil
Cellulose gum
Guar gum
Stevia leaf extract.

Contains: Strong Active probiotic cultures.

Trans-fat Free. Gluten Free. Lactose Free.


Created by experts in nutrition, and healthy weight loss, our dark hot chocolate blend excites the taste buds, satisfies your hunger and cravings,  all while helping trim your body. In one healthy drink, our proprietary blend of premium hot chocolate is high in both probiotics and antioxidants, uses only fruit sweeteners, making it diabetic friendly, is dairy free, for our lactose intolerant friends, and is quite possibly the most satisfying cup of hot chocolate you will taste!

Our sweet & creamy, fat-burning hot chocolate is all natural, with no preservatives, no additives, no chemicals, no solidifiers, no emulsifiers, no artificial sweeteners, and is kosher.


Drinkable chocolate has been used for years to treat ailments and maladies. France in the 17th century, used it “to fight against fits of anger and bad moods.” Research continues to show that antioxidants fight free radicals in the body and therefor help prevent cancer, heart disease, age-related macular degeneration and aging in general. Antioxidants come in ways once considered more vice than health food, such as coffee, red wine, chocolate.

  • Cocoa generally has a much less fat per serving compared a standard chocolate bar.
  • The antioxidant concentration in hot cocoa is almost twice as strong as red wine.
  • Flavonoids in hot cocoa help your body process nitric oxide, can improve blood flow, help lower your blood pressure, improve heart health and help prevent platelets in your blood from mingling together and forming clots.
  • Drinking hot chocolate can help you think better too. The flavonoids increase the blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Researchers believe that since dementia is caused by a reduced flow of blood to the brain, it can be treated with cocoa.
  • Commercial hot cocoa is often more of an artificial ingredient monstrosity that outweighs any positive effects cocoa may have to offer.
  • Our proprietary, probiotic blend of hot cocoa promotes a healthy balance of friendly gut bacteria, weight loss, digestive health, immune function.

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Probiotic Vegan Dark Hot Chocolate

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